NAV Details
NAV Date
27-Mar-20 |
Max Entry Load %
0.00 |
NAV [Rs] |
106.80 |
Max Exit Load %
1.00 |
Buy/Resale Price [Rs]
106.80 |
52 Week High[Rs] |
NA |
Sell/Repurchase Price [Rs]
106.80 |
52 Week Low[Rs]
NA |
Nav Graph |
Investment Details
Objective |
To achieve capital appreciation by investing in equity and equity related instruments. |
Min. Investment(Rs.)
3000 |
500 |
Investment Pattern |
Type | Minimum % | Maximum % | Equity | 80 | 100 | MMI | 0 | 20 | Others | 0 | 20 | Debt | 0 | 20 |
SIP Details |
SIP MIN Investments(Rs.) |
NA |
SIP Incremental Investments(Rs.) |
NA |
SIP Frequency |
NA |
No.of Investments Cheques
NA |
Statistical Ratios |
Standard Deviation [%] |
Semi Standard Deviation [%] |
Beta [%] |
Sharpe Ratio [%] |
R-Square [%] |
Expense Ratio [%] |
AVG Ratio [%] |
Other Ratios |
Jenson Ratio [%] |
Treynor Ratio [%] |
Turnover Ratio [%] |
FAMA Ratio [%] |
SORTINO Ratio [%] |
What is Standard Deviation? Standard Deviation is the measure of the deviation in the returns of the portfolio. In Simple Words it tells us how much the return on the fund is deviating from the expected normal return.
What is Jenson's Alpha? It measures whether the Scheme is generating excess returns over the normal returns.For example, if there are two mutual funds that both have a 12% return, a rational investor will want the fund that is less risky.If the value is positive, then the portfolio is earning excess returns. In other words, a positive value for Jensen's alpha means a fund manager has 'beat the market' w with his or her stock picking skills. The Higher the value the better the performance.
In / Out
What's in as on |
What's out as on |
Company Name | Mkt Value | Holdings | | (Rs.Cr) | % | No Data Found |
Company Name | Mkt Value | Holdings | | (Rs.Cr) | % | No Data Found |